More than just a market, Salty Saturdays in Jack Morgan Park is an event for locals and visitors to come together and celebrate Coolum culture and community! Come to Coolum for a salty swim, sandy soles and sunshine on your skin.
Join us for the next Salty Saturdays for live music, free entertainment, delicious food, and to support our local artisans. Bring your family and friends for a fun afternoon in the park and enjoy the sea, salt and sun in Coolum!
A family-friendly and community focussed event that provides a place and opportunity for local residents and visitors to gather together, enjoy a fun afternoon of free entertainment, and give local businesses an opportunity to showcase their products, network and be directly involved with the community.
Held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month
From 1:00pm – 7:00pm
Live music & free entertainment
Community stage for local groups’ performances and educational talks and workshops
Bar & licensed area (SandBar)
“Grom Zone” full of activities for kids